October 30-November 3, 2017

Dear Families,

Our trip to the Olympic Training Center was amazing! We were able to meet several athletes including some para-olympians. Our tour guide was terrific and your children were well-behaved. Many thanks to our parent volunteers: Misty, Nicole, Miles, and Mary Ann for supporting our class and keeping us safe. Our next trip is to the Pioneer Museum in February!

Parent Teacher Conferences have been so great! I have thoroughly enjoyed seeing each of you again and talking about your most precious possession…your baby! Thank you for carving out the time to come in and celebrate your child.

The Halloween Parade and Party are on Tuesday.  The parade starts around 1:30 and parties are set to start following the parade. If you would like to help with the party, please let me know and I will connect you to our room mom, Amy.

Have a great week and thanks again for your support!

Mrs. P. 🙂

iPad Reading and Math Support:

Front Row: 7z2kkd

BrainPop: MSES/mustangs1

10/31/17 ~ Halloween Parade and Party 1:30-2:45

11/2/17~ Fundraiser ends

11/10/17~Veterans’ Day Concert @10:00(auditorium)

11/20-24/17~Thanksgiving Break










The sounds and spellings taught in this unit are:

  • /ae/ spelled ‘a_e’ (cake), ‘a’ (paper), ‘ai’ (wait), ‘ay’ (day)
  • /oe/ spelled ‘o_e’ (home), ‘o’ (open), ‘oa’ (boat), ‘oe’ (toe)
  • /ie/ spelled ‘i_e’ (bite), ‘i’ (biting), ‘ie’ (tie)
  • /ue/ spelled ‘ue’ (cue), ‘u_e’ (cute), ‘u’ (unit)
  • /aw/ spelled ‘aw’ (paw), ‘au’ (Paul), ‘augh’ (caught)

SPELLING: Bossy R: er, ar, or

  1. sister
  2. letter
  3. expert
  4. born
  5. sports
  6. short
  7. mark
  8. started
  9. backyard
  10. some (tricky word)


Sentence Capitalization and Punctuation
“Quotation Marks” signaling dialogue
Personal Narrative/Writing Process

LISTENING AND LEARNING: The Ancient Greek Civilizations

“The Great Thinkers of Greece”

“Alexander The Great Part I

“Alexander The Great Part II

Domain Review: See objectives and vocabulary at the end of this post.



Chapter 3 ~ Subtraction up to 1,000

Subtraction WITH regrouping in the ones/tens places and over zeros!


Embedded in CKLA


Students will:

Identify the area of ancient Greece on a map

Describe the terrain of ancient Greece and how it affected development

Locate Crete, the Black Sea, the Aegean Sea, and the Mediterranean Sea on a map

Define the term civilization

Define the term city-state

Explain that the ancient Greeks worshipped many gods and goddesses

Identify Mount Olympus as the place the ancient Greeks believed was the home of the gods

Identify ancient Greece as the site of the original Olympic Games

Describe the Olympic Games of ancient Greece

Describe how the contributions of the ancient Greek civilization have influenced the present

Describe the city-state Sparta and the Spartan way of life

Explain that Athens is named after the goddess Athena

Describe the city-state Athens

Describe how Athenians worshipped Athena

Identify the Parthenon

Define the term democracy

Identify Athens as the birthplace of democracy

Explain how Athenian boys and girls were educated

Explain that women did not have as many rights as men in Greek society

Compare/contrast life in Sparta and Athens

Explain the significance of the Battles of Marathon and Thermopylae

Identify Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle as famous philosophers of ancient Greece

Describe the accomplishments of Alexander the Great


Lesson 1

boundaries contributions independently rugged unique

Lesson 2

delightfully longingly massive messenger summoned

Lesson 3

dedicate grove mission spectacle

Lesson 4

compete determination grand sacred victory

Lesson 5

conquest council discomfort permanently self-discipline

Lesson 6

blessing ideal ignite overjoyed swiftly

Lesson 7

achieve architecture assembly debated democracy

Lesson 8

avoid marathon mercy purposely tribute

Lesson 9

channel defeating deserted fate prefer

Lesson 10

affection astonishing marvelous philosopher proof

Lesson 11

ambitious devoted retreat tame

Lesson 12

attention flung invader proclaimed

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